A Look At Beatriz Chamussy


Beatriz Chamussy

It is always inspiring to watch our business relationships evolve. Beatriz approached Case Station at a recent event at MWC in Shanghai where we were presenting Pudung Art to the Chinese/Asian Telecom customer base. Long story short …we reviewed her collection and are delighted to be able to offer her work to our global business network. She will be appearing in events in Sweden, Germany, Switzerland and France as well as USA, UK, South Korea and China operations.



Beatriz Chamussy for Case Station

Introducing Beatriz…

I see my life as an endless exploration. Photography and drawing have trained me to be awake, and to appreciate that reality keeps in secret a playful and vibrant dimension. Observation has been my way of understanding. While I observe the outside I learn who I am in the inside. Every new journey takes me not only to a physical location on the planet, but also to a location that is deep within my psyche. As if I was collecting pieces of myself through every single image captured with my eyes. Reorganising a puzzle. Reconstructing my inner world.

I love to draw, paint and create things with my hands. I feel inspired by patterns in nature, labyrinths, maps, bicycles, sailboats, human emotions and unanswered questions. I’m an Mexican-French artist living in Barcelona, Spain. I enjoy to dance and to practice yoga.


Check out her latest instore and online, and find something that reflects your personality.